Our faculty was opened under Hacettepe University in 2000 and transferred to Ahi Evran University in 2006. Our faculty, which started to admit students as of the 2009-2010 academic year, with a total of 57 academic staff; It continues its education with 5 active departments, namely Economics, Business Administration, Political Science and Public Administration, International Relations and Finance. Department of Social Services, on the other hand, is in the preparation phase. In our Faculty, which has 1456 students as of the 2019-2020 academic year, student groups under the academic advisory of our faculty, contribute to the personal, social and academic development of our students through conferences, interviews, trips, camps, visits and sector meetings.

Student Communities:

Ahi Biliştay Community

Nature Sports Community

Economics Community

Young Managers Community

Career and Management Community

Compass Community

International Relations and Civilization Research Community

New World International Relations Community


In our faculty, it is given importance to keep the training programs of our departments up-to-date through regular meetings with internal and external stakeholders. In addition, with the AYDEP distance education module created within our university, all of our courses are given online during the pandemic process.